1. Having pink hair.
People say blondes have fun. Pink's have more fun. Fact.
2. Living on an island.
It feels cut off from the real world. No roads, no cars, just beach, jungle and sea.
3. Starting a businesses.
The whole island is young and developing. Most businesses here are less than a year old and it's exciting to be part of creating the scene. I started by painting on the walls and was managing the place before we opened so it really feels like my baby.
4. The wildlife.
Every night I fall asleep to the sounds of geckos and crickets. Wake up to chickens, a snake coiling itself around a nearby tree and a buffalo rolling around in the mud. I go for a swim and have to tread carefully around the giant pink starfish dotted on the ocean bed and barracuda coming for me. Swim at night and there is phosphorescent plankton. At work my dog bounds up to me with a million kisses, dragonflies hover around and a giant butterfly lands on my head. (Of course not all the wildlife is good, sandflies are the bane of my life and it's not possible to keep anti venom on the island as we can't keep it refrigerated consistently. There is always a price to pay for paradise.)
5. The people.
You meet some interesting characters travelling but the ones that have decided to live on a Cambodian island are certainly a rare breed.